Little Legends - Rules

Little Legends - Rules

Updated: 1/1/2019

1.    Ball Size Rule – A 28.5” basketball will be used for grades 6 and below.  A 29.5” ball will be used for grades 7 and above.

2.   Basket Height Rule A standard 10’ rim will be used for grades 3-12.  The rim will be lowered (if feasible) to 8 feet for second grade.

3.   Bench Location Rule - The home team sits on the right side of the scorekeeper’s table (while standing on the court facing the scorekeeper’s table).

4.   Casts and Jewelry Rule - A hard cast/brace may not be worn on the elbow, hand, finger, wrist or forearm, even if covered with soft padding.  Hard cast/braces on the upper arm or shoulder must be padded.  Jewelry is not permitted.

5.   Defense Rule – Zone or man-to-man defense is allowed.

6.   Dunking Rule – Dunking is only allowed in high school gyms where they have break-away rims.  Hanging on the rim is not allowed.  If a dunk is attempted in a non-high school gym, a technical foul will immediately be called, and the basket voided.  If anything is damaged, the cost will be charged to the player.

7.   Ejection Rule – An ejection will result in a one-game suspension at the recommendation of the referees and discretion of the Commissioner.  The suspension will be the next game (playoff or not).  Two ejections in a single season will warrant removal of that player for the remainder of the season with no refund.

8.   Fill-in Rule – Non-Legends players (those who have not registered or paid themselves) cannot play in any Legends game - this includes substituting for a Legends player who cannot make the game.

9.   Foul Line Rule A 12’ foul line can optionally be used for grades 4 and below.  A 15’ (standard) foul line will be used for grades 5 and above.

10.  Foul Shot Rule - Standard high school rule applies (off the rim).

11.  Full Court Press Rule – Full court press is only allowed in the fourth quarter for grades 3-6.  It is always allowed for grades 7-8.

12.  Game Clock Rule – For grades 8th and below, there are four (4) 8-minute quarters in a game, and the clock stops on all whistles for the last two minutes of each quarter and overtime periods.  However, it is at the referees' discretion if they decide to stop the clock in only the 2nd and 4th quarters based on the time and pace of the game.  For high school divisions, there will be two 20-minute halfs, and the last two minutes of each half will stop on all whistles.

13.  Mercy/Sportsmanship Rule - If a team is winning by 20 points, there will be a running clock instead of stopping for the last two minutes of each quarter.  In addition, full court press is no longer allowed by the leading team. If the team still presses, the referee will issue one warning.  On subsequent offenses, technical fouls will be issued.

14.  Overtime Rules - If after regulation time, the game is tied, one 2-minute overtime will be used to break the tie (clock stops on all whistles).  Each team also will have one timeout per team.  If there is a risk of running out of gym time, the referees can modify these rules to speed the overtime and finish the game.

15.  Play-off Forfeit Rule – During playoffs a team forfeits if it has less than 4 players to start.  A 5 minute grace period will be allowed.

16.  Playing Time Rule - Coaches have the option of having all players play a portion of each quarter or having players play full quarters.  Every player should have a minimum of 8 minute's worth of playing time per game, but coaches should try for even playing time if possible.  It is up to the discretion of the coach on choice of rotation and the league is entrusting coaches to be honest with play time and fair to their players and opponents, particularly in 20 point game differentials.  if parents notice their child is not receiving minimum playing time, they should raise it at halftime or following the game with the coach. 

17.  Rotation Procedure Rule – Players ready to rotate should go to the clock desk and make sure the person running the clock knows of the impending rotation.  The referees will see a player ready to enter the game and allow this upon the next whistle.  During two-shot fouls, the rotation should take place after the first foul shot.

18.  Sneaker Rule - All players must wear non-marking basketball sneakers.

19A. Substitution Rule (Regular Season) - During the regular season there are no forfeits. Teams who have less than 5 players may borrow players from the opposing team or a same-division team to get to 5 players.  If a 5-man team wishes to add one or more subs, or a player from a higher division, the opposing coach must agree.  In general, a player from a higher division should only be added to get to 5 players and no more.

19.B Substitution Rule (Playoffs) - For the playoffs, no substitutions are allowed if a 5 person roster.  If less than 5, the opposing coach MUST approve any subs, and may decide not to allow any.  In general, no players from a higher division - as well as dominating players from the same division - should be used as subs.

20.  Three-Point Shot Rule – Three-point shots will be counted if the gym floor is properly marked.

21.  Timeouts Rule - Two time-outs per half are allowed, but cannot be carried over to the second half.

22.  Uniform Rule – All players must play with the official Legends Basketball League uniform unless the entire team brings their own uniforms (must be league-approved before the season starts).  During PRE-FINALS games only, a technical foul will be assessed for every player not in full Legends uniform.  For FINALS, players will not be allowed to play.

23.  Unsportsmanlike Rule - No unsportsmanlike conduct will be tolerated from players, coaches, or fans. Rough play or flagrant fouls at any time is forbidden.  If the conduct of a player, coach, or fan is deemed unsportsmanlike, malicious, or too aggressive by the referee, the player, coach, or fan will either receive a warning with a technical foul or be ejected from the game/gym depending on severity (See Ejection Rule, above).  The commissioner may also ban any player or coach from the league if the on or off-court actions are deemed inappropriate, unsportsmanlike, or threatens the concept of safety and sportsmanship of the league. 

24.  Water Rule Only water is allowed in the gyms and hallways. No food or drink (other than water) may be brought into the school.

25.  High School Rules - All other rules if not specifically stated above will follow standard high school basketball rules.


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2968 Palmer Street
Oakton, Virginia 22124-2626


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